A recent podcast/documentary by American RadioWorks, “The Science of Smart,” explores how research on learning can be applied to instruction and improve outcomes for students. Segment two, “Learning to love tests” and segment three, “Variation is the key to deeper learning” present concepts that can work well with adult learners.
The podcast can be found at the American RadioWorks website:
I also enjoyed the first segment on dual language immersion programs and the new findings that students in such programs actually do better, not worse, than students who are receiving instruction in one language. Years ago, I planned to enroll my sons in the local elementary school's bilingual magnet program. As it turned out, the program was primarily a magnet for students who spoke Spanish rather than English. Such students did not do well on standardized tests given in English, so that particular elementary school had average test scores lower than others in the district. Because the test scores seemed to count for so much and prevented the school from achieving "Distinguished School" recognition, the bilingual program was eliminated before my sons could enroll. Within two years, the school's ratings had improved, they received the Distinguished School recognition, and the principal was promoted and moved on.