We have two free classes for instructors, potential instructors, or anyone curious about online teaching available for registration for the Summer quarter. Instructors who will be teaching online or hybrid classes for UCR Extension during the Fall or Winter quarters are required to complete Teaching Online with Moodle (online or hybrid format) or demonstrate equivalent experience prior to teaching their first class.
Please note that the hybrid class has two meetings in one week, which is a change from the past, and the remaining two weeks are online, so this is a change from previous classes. Both classes cover the same material but offer different experiences. You are welcome to sign up for both if you like, but it seems unnecessary.
141MSCC02 - Teaching Online with Moodle - starts June 10th, 2014 – Hybrid, 3 weeks; Meetings at UCR Extension on June 10th and 12th 4:30 – 6 PM
This class covers the basics of teaching online and using Moodle along with new features of Moodle 2.4 and Adobe Connect. Participants learn about the online environment as they participate in the class and complete assignments. Development of a detailed course syllabus is the final project. Emphasis is on the unique features of online teaching and learning, and the transition from face-to-face to online.
141MSCC01 - Teaching Online with Moodle - starts August 13th, 2014 – Online, 4 weeks
This class covers the basics of teaching online and using Moodle along with new features of Moodle 2.4 and Adobe Connect. Participants learn about the online environment as they participate in the class and complete assignments. Development of a detailed course syllabus is the final project. Emphasis is on the unique features of online teaching and learning, and the transition from face-to-face to online.
Both classes are open to anyone who might be interested in teaching online, not just UCR Extension instructors; no previous experience required. Optional project is to produce a proposal for an online course at UCR Extension.
Register by contacting Student Services:
Tel: (951) 827-4105 or (800) 442-4990 toll-free
Email: register@ucx.ucr.edu (include your name, address, phone number and the course ID).